Since I've gone vegan (a total of twenty days) I've tried to incorporate a lot of healthy habits (for me and for the planet) but I have to be honest, even though I've cooked, composted, gave up meat, cheese, eggs, and milk, and started a vegetable garden, I haven't done that much walking. Walking often fills me with clarity and sort of grounds my thoughts and settles me out. Usually when I walk, I've got a goal, I'm going somewhere, but walks without a goal are usually much more... Exciting and peaceful!
Therefore, twenty days into being vegan (which definitely won't be stopping after thirty days... I still don't miss any animal products, and now when I see a cow I know that I won't be eating it later) I am going to do thirty days of morning walking, rain or shine, weekend or week day, tired or not. Our human health is super important and we're given everything we need to keep ourselves healthy, no gym memberships or fancy diet meals/shakes whatever!
God gave us earth and plants and good amazing yummy food! So for the next thirty days I will walk in the early morning and see if it makes me feel any more grounded, clearer, and more peaceful than sleeping in until nine and feeling muddled and befuddled about the day.
Starting tomorrow morning, after I get some sleep!
I like blogging about these things, because, even if no one reads them, the chance that someone might read it is there, and then if I run into them they might say, "hey! How's the walking thing?" and if I haven't been walking, well it would be embarassing lol, so in a way, you're keeping me accountable to my healthy habit goals, by sitting at your computer and glancing at your facebook feed! It's also pretty cool if anyone gets inspired by any of it! Because it's so good for us!
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