A few years ago Shevy went to New York and brought me back a souvenir cup with the name JUAN, needless to say that it is my favorite cup for hot chocolate.
My "to do" list today is rather daunting! However, the other day when I was pondering my tremendous amount of laundry I thought to myself, "what would I give for a day to just work around the house," and today is one of those days, and I dread it!
So I've switched my mind set, I am going to enjoy myself.
I finished writing my Christmas card, not too much work, finished making the C.D's and need to get that mailed, or organize to give it to people.
I need to pick out music for the retreat I'm leaving for at 2.
Clean house, do laundry, pack stuff, clean car etc.
Yeah it's going to be a packed day.
Especially when I also want to go to the library look up some music, write in my blogs, look on craigslist, bake cookies, go to the other library...ya da ya da.
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