I was reading a back issue of "veg news," (a vegan magazine PACKED with recipes), and I came across this super cool idea of having a HOT POT PARTY! It's sort of based around the fondue idea, except WAY healthier! It's basically a super yummy veggie soup broth that you have in a little pot on a burner in the middle of the table, a bunch of fancy sauces, raw veggies, and Korean hot pot party pancakes! Basically you cook the veggies in the veggie broth and dip it in hot sauces, and the hot pot party pancakes, are sort of like Jewish latkes, but instead of just potato, you cook with cabbage and bok choy as well! I really hope to have a HOT POT PARTY before the end of the year!

I'm pretty sure everyone has a favourite soup. Mine kind of varies, I LOVE BLACK BEAN SOUP, but I also love Kobacha squash soup, and butternut squash soup, and ALL SORTS OF OTHER SOUPS! (miso soup!) Anyways, the idea would be, I would provide a variety of breads and buns (what is soup without tasty bread and buns?) and a soup that was my favourite, and everyone else would bring their favourite soup! Then we could all have a ladle or two of everyones soup, and get a taste for everyones favourites!
Vegan Dinner.
I want to have a vegan dinner that is super extra tasty and delicious that will knock the socks off of any skeptical carnivore out there. The cool thing about it would be that everyone would cook together.. like get together a couple hours before dinner, and actually cook the yummy things that you'd be devouring.. I think it would be super fun to get together and cook with people, and have delicious, healthy food.
I think all of these dinner parties could be followed by a delicious vegan dessert, coconut icecream, tea, and a movie. Perhaps Christmas movies!
Anyways, I'm excited about planning these!
Eat yummy food tonight!
P.S Tal and I are in love with the indian restaurant by superstore (12 vegan samosas for 5.95!!!!) and now they've opened up their floor for dine in! WOOHOO another option for going out! (Mission's small... :( and when another vegan friendly restaurant opens.. I get excited!)
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