I have lost two inches to my waist.
I have read more fashion magazines than what is healthy.
I have taken a liking to mens sweaters and highwaisted pants.
I have been working at my aunts store (my best friend's closet) Thursday through Sunday.
My boyfriend has a second interview at Urban Outfitters today.
I love being in the city again.
I woke up with a horrible migraine (more on this later)
I may or may not be playing at open mic night tonight.
I have a new appreciation for the likes of Marc Jacobs, and the woman behind Jimmy Choo.
I've been dead tired the last three days.
I fell asleep while getting ready this morning.
I'm buying my brother-in-laws car.
I'm getting an iphone tonight.
My sister and her husband are moving to Saskatchewan.
My sister and her husband are moving to Saskatchewan.
My sister and her husband are moving to Saskatchewan.
My other sister had her baby.
My brother is the next Andy Kaufman.
So, as I was saying, I woke up with a horrible migraine. It was one of those ones where you can't move your head in any direction, and you have to keep your right eye closed. Now all the people who have ever had a migraine are thinking as they read this, "I know what you mean," and all the other people that haven't had a migraine are going, "I've never had one but they sound horrible." This leads me to wonder, are all migraines the same, or are they a strictly personal experience. We may have the same symptoms sometimes, but could we ever honestly know for sure if it was the same feeling? I don't think so, but I'm also naive on the subject and am welcome to any insights on this very unimportant matter. It would be rather nice if it was a universal feeling, migraines, that way if you did get migraines you'd belong to this universal club of people that migraines, and we could all relate to one another so swell, because we'd know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we were infact feeling the same thing...
I should take a nap.
Anyways, I had piano history this morning at 10 AM, and as I was getting out of the shower at 8:45 AM I was in a huge amount of pain, the migraine and all etc. So I thought, ok, I'll wait until the medication kicks in and just sit her on my bed with a towel on my head, with my right eye closed, and not move my neck, and see if in twenty minutes I am better. That way if I was I could still throw clothes on and make it to my bus which would take me up to piano. Instead I fell asleep sitting there, and woke up at 10:45 still wearing the towel turban. I am the poster child for glamorous....joking.
"Oh darling! I feel faint," she says as she fans her face and collapses into the velvet chaise lounge, angled every so slightly towards the bay window, which over looks the garden and the hedge maze.
Tal and I had a discussion the other day about music, more of a debate, that I think would make an interesting screen play. (I am typing this with one eye closed, waiting for this headache to part)
I just finished writing out 75% of it, and realized it may only be interesting to me, so I deleted the entire thing.
Last night Tal and I went library searching for Audrey Hepburn movies. We specifically wanted "Wait until Dark," and, "Charade." We came out of the libray with, Charade, Annie Hall, Breakfast at Tiffany's, Eugene Levy's Guide to Home Safety, and SNL 25th Anniversary. I figure that was like a gold mine.
On our way home we invited Caitlin (cady) and Ben over to watch Charade or Annie Hall with us. Pudding was 79c for four cups at Superstore so I bought both butterscotch, and chocolate and made a pudding pyramid to go along with a our splendid array of movies.
We ended up watching Annie Hall because I'd been telling Cady about it and she'd never seen it, and Ben had never seen a Woody Allen movie. They liked it, and I discovered something about myself.
Not only am I Carmen Loretta, daughter to Eugene and Catherine, granddaughter to Hal and Loretta and Carly, and Lynn, girlfriend to Tal, sister to Isaac, Allie, and Theresa, employee of my aunts store, co-leader of Plugged in, piano teacher to several students, etc. but I am also Diane Keatons child, who discovered at an early age that she could not handle the limelight and left for a life of adventure, and that's why I feel such a close connection to her.
"Oh darling, my fan, please, I'm dieing in this heat," she says as she sips her lemonade on the veranda whilst watching her daughter with the young man that had come to do her riding lesson.
I've been reading fashion magazines like crazy, because I realized that although I may really enjoy putting things together, labels really don't mean very much to me. Meaning I don't really know them that well, and have never really cared to know. But now that I'm working in a consignment store where women who really do care a lot about labels are leaving there clothes with us to sell, I figure, it's important that I know the difference between a few of these designers.
All this to say, I was reading Harpers Bazaar, and what I got from it was, basically everything that's been in since 1951 is in again. You can do anything. I guess because of the recession, the biggest designers, with the exception of a few like Dolce and Gabbana, and Versace, decided to create very wearable timeless classic items, that would be wearable, and wouldn't have an expiry date. This is fabulous news to me. I've never cared about fads, or trends, because I find them frusterating, as soon as you have enough money to take part in one of them, they're over and you're new scarf is passe. But if fashion is all about quality and timelessness, then I'm in. That means essentially, whatever is glamorous, casual, put together, casual, leather, faux leather, fur, faux fur, bright, subdued, eighties, seventies, nineties, sixties, or fifties, is doable. This opens up tons of options, which makes me happy.
Anyways, that's a little bit of where I am right now.